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Help Eagle Ridge Academy recruit, train, and sustain quality teachers for future generations on Give to the Max Day 2024!

Give to the Max is a statewide outpouring of support for thousands of nonprofits and schools across Minnesota! The Giving Holiday is scheduled for Thursday, November 16, but you don’t have to wait to support Eagle Ridge Academy, as Early Giving began November 1! Together, we hope to raise more than $10,000 on Give to the Max Day to support Eagle Ridge Academy’s new Grow Your Own Program, and you can help us reach our goal!

Recruiting and hiring excellent, diverse, and Classical teachers for all our Gryphons has been a challenge! To increase the diversity of Classical teachers available to our students, Eagle Ridge Academy has received grants through the Minnesota Department of Education to begin a Grow Your Own (GYO) teacher program and expand our teacher mentoring program.

The programs will be supported by the New Teacher Mentor Coordinator who will recruit a diverse population of non-licensed teachers, equip them with the skills and knowledge needed for high-quality teaching, and develop their teaching skills through coaching and mentoring which will allow Eagle Ridge Academy to retain empowered educators who positively impact student learning. Additionally, the New Teacher Mentor Coordinator will support aspiring teachers in navigating the state certification system. Eagle Ridge Academy will assist in covering costs associated with obtaining a license and/or degree. Through mentorship, financial assistance, and support in maneuvering the complexities of state procedures, Eagle Ridge Academy will remove the cultural, economic, and linguistic barriers that may otherwise prevent future Classical educators from pursuing a career in teaching.

Learn more about ERA’s Grow Your Own Program and schedule a donation for Give to the Max Day here!